Round #18
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #18

The 18th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-We shouldn’t be surprised that China has secret police stations on American soil. Lord knows the real scope of their activities in the U.S.

-These Big Apple crime hearings are a sick, tasteless joke. Jim “The Hearing” Jordan ain’t fixing New York.

-Of course border encounters hit another record high 24-hours after Greg Abbott “reaffirms his commitment” to Operation Lone Star. At this point you could make a strong case that OLS has helped the left.

-Joe Biden is running again in 2024 because he’s perfect for the left. He’s like an AI robot that occasionally malfunctions and makes no sense, which is a small price to pay for his role as the human piñata, taking the blame for anything and everything.

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Round #17
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #17

The 17th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-I still can’t get over Matt Gaetz referring to Jim Jordan as the “spiritual leader” of the house GOP.

-It’s amazing how “The Pursuit of Happyness” came out less than 20 years ago, a time when blacks weren’t inherently oppressed and whites weren’t inherently racist. Propaganda works.

-This intelligence leak vindicates my stance that the Ukraine war is a fake war. Everything is a lie.

-Illegal alien given 10 years for role in the murder of his infant son. The result?Taxpayers provide 3 hots and a cot for the next 5-7 years with no guarantee of his deportation when paroled. Classic.

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Round #16
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #16

The 16th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-Instead of a bills bringing back death by firing squad, I wish red states would craft something that expedites the entire execution process. Kill them quicker.

-Jim “The Hearing” Jordan might break the hearing record before the new year.

-The Restrict Act is a disgrace and once it inevitably clears congress and IDs are required for social media, let’s all make sure and remember that like most shitty bills, it was passed with “bipartisan support.”

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Round #15
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #15

The 15th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-It’s becoming increasingly clear what the Trump indictment is all about.

-Joe Biden’s approval rating is up to 44%, meaning half the country is beyond saving and states rights/strengthening our own side is all that matters.

-It’s a shame Glenn Beck wasn’t talking about Dr. Eric Henson during the Texas Gubernatorial primary. Who knows, maybe Greg Abbott isn’t serving a third term and the border isn’t wide open.

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Round #14
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #14

The 14th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-The now normalized practice of running for president when you have zero chance of winning should be banned.

-Drinks on Tom “NATO Lake “Cotton after Swedish gov. votes yes on joining NATO.

-Add Ethiopia to the growing list of countries the Biden admin. has alienated the U.S. from.

-Leftwing media joins rightwing media in their attempt to bury Ron DeSantis. Did someone say uni-party?

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Round #13
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #13

The 13th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-When it comes to Ukraine, D.C. acts like they’re playing a game of Risk with Monopoly money.

-Hunter Biden confesses to accepting payoffs from Chinese corporation. Another one of those “how is this guy not in prison” moments. See Anthony Fauci for reference.

-How about that. Ron DeSantis is one of the few Republicans willing to publicly state the obvious about Ukraine: it’s a waste of our time and money.

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Round #12
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #12

The 12th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-Am I the only one who found it strange that Donald Trump announced his arrest four days before it happens? Like who does that?

-A reminder that Jim “The Hearing” Jordan helped cover for a serial rapist and labeled the victims’ multiple accusations of his coverup as merely an attempt to sabotage his political career.

-Who cares that Joe Biden hasn’t been briefed on the border? He obviously wants it open.

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Round #11
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #11

The 11th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-Just as I predicted, Kyrsten Sinema is playing a key role in politics moving forward and the normalization of the uni-party.

-China’s uniting the world against the U.S., and when you consider the fact our own government and half the country hate us, you begin to see how truly isolated conservative America is.

-I vow to delete my social media accounts and never be heard from again if any American successfully sues China over the Coronavirus.

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Round #10
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #10

The 10th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-In 2022 there were nearly 13,000 protests across 148 different countries, food, fuel, and cost of living being the main 3 issues. In other words, globalism is real.

-Jim “The Hearing” Jordan continues his quest to shatter the all time record for the number of hearings and investigations called for over a 24-month span.

-Texas GOP reintroduces bill calling for rapid removal of “recent illegal immigrants.” What’s the point of rounding up migrants if they’ll be replaced before they even get back to Mexico?

-Why can’t the “good” Republicans call out the bad Republicans?

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Round #9
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #9

The 9th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-Republican bill aims to make the ATF more “fair” and “transparent.” Sounds promising…

-GOP requests data to “better understand” the recent rise in fentanyl overdose deaths. What’s there to understand? Open border = more drugs & death. Closed border = less drugs & deaths.

-Only a few months after describing the clot shots as “the greatest thing that ever happened” (look it up), Trump calls DeSantis a “RINO globalist” and says he “loves the vaccine.”

-Lindsey Graham is leading the NRSC effort to take the senate back in 2024. Tell me again why I should have faith in the GOP when guys like that are running the show.

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Round #8
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #8

The 8th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-Could the left ever really take our guns? If not, then where’s this all headed?

-Never forget that Clay Travis voted for Obama…twice.

-Republicans vow to control spending now that they have the house. That’s rich.

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Round #7
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #7

The 7th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-Some guy from ABC admits electric cars are a “logistical nightmare.” Yeah well, the last time I checked the U.S. no longer produces oil so the joke’s on us.

-Why are their no GOP bills aimed at the teachers? 20% of Gen Z. doesn’t identify as some sort of gay because your daughter lost her high school swim meet to some dude with chest hair asking to be called Brittney.

-U.S. Military tells paratroopers to stop flying American flag on jumps…I don’t feel bad for being skeptical of anyone who joins the military in the year 2023.

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Round #6
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #6

The 6th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

China owns the U.S. government and Mitch McConnell’s wife is a big reason why. (Starts at 9:49 and I’m begging for someone to tell me why this never gets talked about)

Zelensky threatens U.S….U.S. promptly announces a fresh $10 billion in aid.

Is there anyone with a pulse who really cares what Paul Ryan says or does?

Tennessee’s about to ban gender altering surgeries and criminalize drag shows…what about the teachers? The classroom is why 20.2% of Gen. Z identify as some sort of gay.

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Round #5
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #5

The 5th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel - transgender movement is winning, and banning surgeries isn’t the solution.

-Ted Cruz, apparently excluding south Texas, says “Texas is booming.”

-White flight will continue until there’s nowhere left to hide.

-Former Obama economist gives genius take that Biden has made “little if any progress on inflation.”

-Another Clinton associate bites the dust.

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Round #4
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #4

The 4th installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-GOP “concerned” that an order promoting equity in future AI technology might “lead to racial division.” Wait what?

- Rightwing media continues hitting the human piñata that is Joe Biden.

-Foul play officially ruled out in the death of Mark Middleton, the man who killed himself twice.

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Round #3
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #3

The 3rd installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-O’Keefe told to kick rocks. Faux News says the GOP is “holding the Biden admin’s feet to the fire.” What?

-Ohio chemical spill. Tiger Woods has been claimed by the woke mob. And more.

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Round #2
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #2

The 2nd installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-Mark Milley declares Putin has lost…again.

-Clot shots added to child vax schedule, GOP remains silent.

-Right or wrong, propaganda still works.

-The climate change movement should’ve been annihilated decades ago.

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Round #1
Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

Round #1

The 1st installment of The No Mercy Podcast Experience.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

-A brief dive into why I’m attacking my own party.

-The George Soros bodycount keeps rising.

-Rightwing media uniting to destroy DeSantis

-More mysterious food processing plant fires, and more.

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Joe Bequette Joe Bequette

The No Mercy Podcast Experience introduction.

For full podcast video see my Youtube channel -

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