Everyday for the last 30-months I’ve been slapped in the face with the importance of a brutally honest media. It might be the most vital aspect in maintaining a healthy society, and in our country the days of unbiased, non-careerminded news have come and gone. We’re all aware of mainstream media’s constant hypocrisy & promotion of lies, fear, and hate, but my true disgust is with 99% of conservative media. The GOP is infested with empty suits and led by hacks like Mitch McConnell & Lindsey Graham (in office over 60 years combined by the way) because rightwing media refuses to hold their feet to the fire. They focus nonstop on Biden & the “craziness of the left” instead of our own side and why they continue losing to the left. Simply put, rightwing media is what stands between voters and the truth, which is that modern-day Democrat and Republican politicians are one in the same. The GOP says all the right things and sounds conservative, but when it comes down to the moments that matter on the issues that matter, they’re either sitting on their hands or outright betraying us by siding with the left. I wish it wasn’t this way, but it is, and conservative America must come to grips with this reality before it’s too late.


29 years of age. Born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas. 0.0 GPA my first semester of college. Graduated roughly 6-8 years later, many crappy jobs and mistakes in-between. After taking several licensing exams, I was eager to begin my career as a Financial Advisor at a brokerage firm in Northwest Arkansas. Resigned a few months later. A few more crappy jobs and here I am. Golf game has been in reverse for the last five years, but always one swing change away. Diehard Arkansas Razorbacks fan.

August 6, 2022 A.D.